


Study Halls and the Computer Room of the central library and information center of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad was inaugurated at the building No. 2 with the aim of creating a proper and calm environment for reading and doing scientific research for students of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad.

There are 4 separate rooms in this building for girls’ and boys’ study and girls’ and boys’ computer sites.



Groups listed at the bylaw of using resources of the central library and information center of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad (students, professors and staff with ID card).



Regulations of Using the Reading Room

  • Having ID card
  • Keep quiet and avoid thronging within the  room
  • Keeping the  room clean
  • Avoiding behaviors in contrast with Islamic and moral principles
  • Smoking is banned in the reading room
  • using  cell phone is banned
  • moving furniture is banned
  • Avoiding reserving the chairs of the  room
  • Using the welfare utensil as long as it doesn’t disturb others

Note: In the case of not obeying the regulation above, the peccant person will be banned from using the reading room for one semester.


      clock e0 Time of the unit’s service providing

If the time of using the reading room is changed during the exams, it will be announced 15 days before the exams.