



Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is one of the most valid universities of Islamic Republic of Iran and scientific pole of North-East of the country with 65 years age and having 13 faculties, 38 research institutes, 5 research bases, 10 poles and 150 educational majors in PhD and master degree.

The central library and information center of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad started to work in early 1971 in a small building across from the literature and humanities faculty with limited facilities. One year later, it was moved to a 650-squared-meters building on South Shahid Motahari street. Then it moved to another building within the university’s campus. Regarding the local position of this library and being close to dormitories and some faculties and also clients’ participation, it was felt that more room needed. Although this issue was paid attention to in 1993 and the library’s area was first extended to 850 square meters and gradually to 2400 square meters, the central library and information center didn’t have the proper room required to provide the necessary services, yet. Regarding the approval of constructing the building of the central library and information center, this building was constructed in a land with over than 8900 square meters area in three stories in 2012. Afterward, based on the opinion of board of the directors, aggregation of some libraries and transferring resources to the new building were carried out. Download the full history of the central library and information center from here.icon-9


