



Regarding their nature, books are considered as one necessary resources of research. There is a valuable set of printed books at the repository of the Central library and information center. Electronic books of this center are downloadable and searchable via Ferdowsi university of Mashhad system . Additionally, books of other universities can be prepared via Amin and Ghadir projects. More complete information is provided in the following.




Firstly, search the concerned book through the library integrated system You can get the book by referring to the بخش امانتLending unit of the library verbally of the book is available. If the book is lent by another person and you need it as well, you can reserve it via the Comprehensive Portal of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad.

Ferdowsi university of Mashhad is member of two projects   of Amin (inter-library lending) and Ghadir. Therefore, you can prepare your required books from other subordinate universities of the Amin and Ghadir project (Guideline of joining the Ghadir project)

  in addition to getting printed books from the Central library and information center. To know the book stock of other universities the links below can be used:




 Currently, all electronic books of the Central library and information center of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad are kept on the the Knowledge Sharing Base. Therefore, you can search your intended books on this system to make sure of existence of the electronic version. Additionally, you can search and download your books on the websites introduced in the list of electronic books base.




 Some books cannot be prepared with any of the methods above. So you can demand for purchasing your intended books via the comprehensive portal of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad. ((How to make request of purchasing book))