




Acquisition is the action or process of need-measuring, selecting, ordering , preparing and making the content of the information resources needed by the library’s society accessible via purchase, gift, exchange or other common methods and analyzing them continuously.

Supplying the information resources correctly, on time and proportional to clients’ needs can enriching the complex and meeting the clients’ need in addition to enhance the amount of use of other centers and organizations of the complex’s resources and services via inter-librarian lending.

Regarding this issue, the acquisition unit of the central library tries to prepare the resources required by an academic library by utilizing experienced colleagues and experts and forming committees related to resource supply at the central library.

This section is in charge for supplying all printed and electronic resources including book, magazine, visual and auditory materials and information bases of the central library and information center of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad.







  •          Needs Assessment on resources required by faculties, students and researchers
  •          Preparing and supplying Persian and Latin resources required by the library including book, journal, visual and auditory materials and information bases with topical experts’ aid (representatives of educational groups)
  •          Preparing and Supplying softwares required by the library’s clients
  •          Completing and updating the Persian and Latin journals bases of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad
  •          Registering the received resources to the library and doing the affairs related to storage bill and sending to the cataloging
  •          Doing all financial affairs related to acquisition and examining contracts and final liquidating with them
  •          Taking part in book exhibitions held in the country and purchase based on the received demands
  •          Holding book fairs inside the university
  •          Doing all affairs related to gifted resources like receiving them from centers and gifting  to the required centers after concerned identification and analysis
  •          All consistencies related to accessibility or inaccessibility to information bases used in the university
  •          Affairs related to egress of weeding and lost books property
  •  Teaching librarian students and apprentices
  • Consultative services related to the acquisition and also responding to and guiding different clients inside and outside the university in-person, non-in-person, by telephone or correspondently


 clock e0 Time of the unit’s service providing



Parivash Iman Talab 

 BS Librarianship medical

 In Charge of the Acquisition Unit

 Telephone:  38806510


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 Mozhgan Rouhbakhsh 

M.A. in Information and Knowledge Science

Senior Expert of Acquisition

Telephone: 38806514


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Hadi Harati 

M.A. in Information and Knowledge Science

Senior Expert of Acquisition

Telephone: 38806515


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Azadeh Javidi 

B.S. in Information and Knowledge Science

Books Property Bookkeeper

Telephone: 38806512


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Roghayeh Dehestani 

M.A. in Information and Knowledge Science
Senior Expert of Acquisition

Telephone: 38806576






1.     Needs Assessment on resources required by faculties, students and researchers

2.     Preparing and supplying Persian and Latin resources required by the library including book, journal, visual and auditory materials and information bases with topical experts’ aid (representatives of educational groups)

3.     Preparing and Supplying softwares required by the library’s clients

4.     Completing and updating the Persian and Latin journals bases of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad

5.     Registering the received resources to the library and doing the affairs related to storage bill and sending to the cataloging

6.     Doing all financial affairs related to acquisition and examining contracts and final liquidating with them

7.     Taking part in book exhibitions held in the country and purchase based on the received demands

8.     Holding book fairs inside the university

9.     Doing all affairs related to gifted resources like receiving them from centers and gifting  to the required centers after concerned identification and analysis

10.  All consistencies related to accessibility or inaccessibility to information bases used in the university

11.  Affairs related to egress of weeding and lost books property

12.  Teaching librarian students and apprentices

Consultative services related to the acquisition and also responding to and guiding different clients inside and outside the university in-person, non-in-person, by telephone or correspondently