


The Administrative Unit University’s libraries are among the most important bases of scientific and academic environment. Their goals and apostolates are in the vein of realizing the goals and apostolates of the university. This alignment in goals and apostolates has increased the increased the importance of the library as no university can be evaluated as a successful and efficient unit without having efficient laboratories. Obviously, in order to reach the goals and fulfill intended tasks and make sure of a proper and efficient method, the library must consist of essential and competent directorial and administrative sections. From the organizational perspective, the central library and information center of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad is running under the commission of the research and technology deputy of the university. This unit is in charge of linking massive librarian plans and policies with general plannings such as buying from exhibitions, dividing the budget and making decision regarding the librarian activities at the university..













Some of the activities carried out at the administrative unit of the library are listed below:


- 1.Planning and keeping in view the process of works, budget, well accomplishing of all affairs and activities’ progress in different sections of the library

- 2.Developing policies, compiling, reviewing and correcting operational instructions and prioritizing issuing instructions and monitoring it being well accomplished. .

- 3.Holding periodic professional and administrative meetings

- 4.Issuing the necessary commands to coordinate different units of the library .

- 5.Organizing activities related to division of labor, setting duties and responsibilities and authorities of units under the supervision.

- 6.Taking part in various commissions, seminars, committees and meetings and preparing essential reports to inform the superior official. .

- 7.Taking necessary counsels to improve the current affairs

- 8.Supervising the execution of annual evaluation affairs of staff

- 9.Cooperating in education, research affairs and research issues in occupation

- 10.Monitoring staff’s education in association with the related officials

     11.Monitoring the execution of the client’s tribute plan and dealing with the probable complaints occasionally.





 clock e0 Time of the unit’s service providing.


Zohreh Abbasi

Head of the Central Library and Information Center

Ph. D. in Information and Knowledge Science

Telephone: 38806504

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Elaheh pazouki Shahsavand

Administrative/ Secretariat/ Staffing and Record Assistant

M.A. in Information and Knowledge Science

Telephone: 38806503

فکس: 38807088

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Seyyed Mohammad Mahdi Safaie

General Affairs Manager and Bookkeeper of Library’s Property

B. S. in Mathematics

Telephone: 38806502


Seyyed Ali Tabataba’i

Driver and Responsible for Services in Notification Center and Central Library


Telephone: 38806501
