






Name and Last Name: Shahnaz Gholam Hossein Nezhad

 Post: Expert of the visual and auditory and the Amin project

 Employment Type: Contract

 Serving Location Unit:  The central library and information center of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad

The Unit Name: Visual and Auditory

The Direct In Charge: Farzaneh Farjami


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  • Receiving CD of books, journals, standards and other resources
  • Recording information of CDs on the electronic recording notebook
  • Preparing image of contents of Persian and Latin CDs and inserting its link in book base
  • Preparing CDs (Making label, installation, etc)
  • Indexing and inserting information of CDs and creating link to their images on the CDs base
  • Guiding clients on using CDs
  • Preparing and multiplying educational and researching CDs needed by users
  • Informing on visual and auditory resources via E-mail, website, etc
  • Making the printed and electronic inventory of CDs
  • Making annual work report
  • Identifying, selecting and ordering CDs needed by educational groups
  • Lending visual and auditory resources
  • Preparing brochures, guideline and so on to introduce the unit's activities
  • Preparing information needed for inserting on the home page of the unit
  • Coordinating for using computer systems of the unit
  • Training apprentices
  • Carrying out other duties




The document supplying project

  • Controlling and checking the emails demanding resource daily
  • Recovering requested resources on the site of the library of other universities
  • Sending the written or electronic request from the resource's concerned university and repository to lend it
  • Informing the book demander to pursue and know the stock of the concerned resource
  • Receiving and returning books and sending them via post to outside of the university and filling in the service providing form
  • Cooperating with the project's non-member institutes t lend and receive needed resources
  • Receiving books and informing the demander to lend the book
  • Receiving books and informing the requester to get the books for university's clients (receiving cost and student ID card)
  • Carrying out the annual extension of the document supplying project affairs
  • Carrying out affairs of administrative correspondence related to the document supplying project


The electronic resources supply contract

  • Controlling and checking the emails demanding resource daily
  • Creating documents related to institutes and universities that are members of the electronic resources supply contract
  • Archiving correspondence on system and documents
  • Searching requested articles and sending and archiving them in the document 
  • Surveying the correspondence and amount of the clients' requests and announcing the financial supply to the institute
  • Corresponding for annual extension

 The inter-librarial subscription contract

  • Carrying out administrative affairs related to signing contracts and archiving the correspondence
  • Introducing members to the lending, journals, reference, etc units
  • Corresponding for annual extension