Name and Last Name: Azadeh Javidi Post : Expert of the acquisition unit Employment Type: Official Serving Location Unit: The central library and information center of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad The Unit Name: Acquisition The Direct In Charge: Parivash Iman Talab
- Ordering Persian and Latin books
- Cooperating in ordering Persian and Latin journals
- Purchasing Persian and Latin books from the city
- Purchasing Persian and Latin books from book fair
- Analyzing the received requests daily on the book ordering site and doing the necessary references
- Downloading electronic books
- Preparing books purchased form fairs
- In charge of receiving and analyzing gifted books and choosing proper books
- Bookkeeping the book properties and cooperating in recording and bill of the books’ storage
- Cooperating with the guiding librarian table
- Cooperating with other units if necessary (shelf-reading of books and journals)