

The Journals unit of the central library and information center of university is considered as one of the dynamic and active units of the information center by keeping and providing services related to journals. Gathering modern and archive journals, this unit has managed to prepare an almost rich set as it supplies the researching needs of clients. In January 2013, the whole journals of 15 faculty libraries were transferred to this center. These resources are in different fields such as fundamental science, mathematics, humanities, theology, engineering, agriculture, natural resources, veterinary, physical education, etc. placed in a 824 square meters room.

Number of printed Latin journals is about 270 topics, Arabic journals are 27 nos. and the amount of Persian journals is over than 800 journals.

Accessing to the full text and abstract of more than 6000 Latin and Persian journals is possible via the information bases. This unit has two sections of current and archive journals. There are 824 Persian journals and 326 Latin journals in the current journals section and there are more than 13440 binding book versions of Persian journals and 60000 binding book versions of Latin journals in the archive journals section. Time coverage of these journals in Persian section is since 1951 and in Latin section is since 1930 up to now.



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Preparing articles’ copy, searching bibliography information of articles, searching information bases, guiding clients in finding existing articles in Iran and other libraries and training apprentice are some of this unit’s activities.


Islamic World Science Citation Center

 The Mag Iran Journals Base



 clock e0 Time of the unit’s service providing


Farzaneh Farjami

M.A. in Information and Knowledge Science

In Charge of the Journals Unit

Telephone: 38806525


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Fariba Shegofteh

Expert of the Journals Unit

B.s. in Information and Knowledge Science

Telephone: 38806521


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Fatemeh Riahi 

 Senior Expert of the Journals Unit

M.A. in Information and Knowledge Science

Telephone: 38806539


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 پایگاه استنادی علوم جهان اسلام

پایگاه مجلات مگ ایران