



The information services is a place for need-measuring, identifying, gathering, keeping, organizing, recovering and distributing the information of electronic resources for the academic society. This section’s goal is to identify the needs of the academic society and prepare facilities to meet the needs, updating the services with the society’s mutations and various needs of the society of users and also prepare an easy and rapid access to informative resources to support educational and researching aims of the university.












Some of the activities of this section have been accounted briefly below:

  • Providing in-person and non-in-person information services to clients
  • Teaching information literacy including educational classes, educational tours and individual training
  • Preparing guidelines, handbooks and educational packages
  • Training apprentices
  • Joining the central library’s electronic resources supply committee
  • Managing and supporting the central library’s website
  • Selectively distributing the information and current informing services via publishing electronic newsletter and tag it on the central library’s website, etc


Note: Above services are provided for clients from outside the university based on the tariff determined on the beginning of each year and verified by headship of the library



 clock e0 Time of the unit’s service providing.


Shahrbanu Sadeghi Gurji

In Charge for the Information Unit and Site Manager

expert of information and epistemology

Telephone: 38806533


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Nafiseh Dorri Farnbsp;

Senior Expert of the Information Unit

expert of information and epistemology

Telephone: 38806530


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Akram Soleimani Safa 

Senior Expert of the Information Unit and PAD Supervisorپاد 

expert of information and epistemology

Telephone: 38806532


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