






Name and Last Name: Samaneh Ziaie

 Post: Senior expert of the dissertations unit

 Employment Type: Contract

 Serving Location Unit:  The central library and information center of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad

The Unit Name: Dissertations

The Direct In Charge: Mohammad Nezam Dust





  • Receiving dissertations from the liquidating unit
  • Controlling the provided list with the received dissertations
  • Sealing and putting magnetic label to new dissertations
  • Giving registering number and classification code to new dissertations
  • Inputting word and pdf files of dissertations into the hard and the server
  • Changing the name of word and pdf files to the name of the dissertations' classification code into the hard and the server
  • Inputting information of dissertations into NOSA (classification code, dissertation number, creator, title, creator's illustration, guiding professor information, guiding professor, text language, abstract language, construction, note, encyclopedia, major, education location, university, faculty, education year, abstract, registering number, keeping location, information inputer and information inputting date)
  • Arranging used dissertations into the shelves (at the beginning of each day)
  • Correcting faulty cases of dissertations on NOSA
  • Cooperating with the dissertations' liquidation unit (if no other colleague was available)
  • Providing apprenticeship services to Ferdowsi and non-Ferdowsi's students
  • Carrying out other duties